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Since they look very much like tiny parrots, the nickname for these birds is "parakeet", or "keet" for short. The Latin name translates to "song parrot with wavy lines". The black, wavy lines on the back of a parakeet, over the green feathers, helped keep it hidden in the green grasslands of its native Australia. Parakeets are active, cheerful birds who are happiest and more vocal with another budgie (or two). As a small group, they chatter to each other as they eat and groom. Their vocalizations range from a scratching sound to chirps and squeals. Parakeets are one of the most popular pet birds!  This is due to their striking coloring, cheerful nature, small size, and because they are the least expensive of all exotic birds.  Originally from Australia, the parakeet in the wild flies in huge flocks and family groups consisting of thousands of members.   This makes them very social birds and you will quickly become part of their flock. 

These birds have lots of personality.  Parakeets are easily tamed and trained, they love to chatter,  can learn to talk, are not loud or noisy like their larger cousins, and come in a variety of beautiful colors.  They are a great beginner bird because of their ease of care and personality. 

The most common colors for Parakeets are green, yellow and blue. But do come in white and mixed colors.  Parakeets have many new mutations on the market which can make the price go from a normal range of $10 up to $30 and sometimes more. I keep my prices down no matter what color I have to sell.

In the wild, Parakeets are social creatures and this is why they love attention.  This is also why these birds are capable of a strong bond.  If you would like your bird to bond to you, it is recommended that you do not keep two birds in the same cage.  Also we do not recommend keeping a mirror.  If kept with a mirror or other bird, your parakeet will not bond with you.  The lifespan of a Parakeet can range from 15 - 20 years making them, in some cases, lifelong family members. 

Differentiating between the sexes can be fairly easy because as a male matures, his nostrils will become distinctly blue and he may even have a blue tint to his legs.  The mature female will have pink of flesh colored nostrils and pale pink legs.  As youngsters, they will look very similar, only as they mature do the differences show up.

Parakeets are not considered great talkers but can learn several words well.  They do love to chatter though! 

A mirror, climbing device, and a small, solid-sided ball for use on the floor should be included in any cage. Any parakeet living alone (not recommended) should also have a radio or television timed to play for a few hours each day, and at least an hour of human interaction daily. Provide clean, small branches weekly for chewing; pear or apple tree branches are safe.

Life expectancy as pet is 5-7 years

Housing requirements for 2 or more parakeets is the  largest cage possible to allow for flight,
 bathing and a nest box.

Danger:  Ceiling fans, other pets, kitchen areas, toilets, etc.  Keep your bird's wings clipped to prevent escape.


Health:  The common health problems with parakeets are mites and upper respiratory infections.


                             I have parakeets of all Colors
                      Price of all Parakeets is $10.00 to $15.00


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