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Cockatiels are available in a wide variety of color mutations, in patterns of yellow, gray,
cinnamon and white, including birds that are speckled, pure white or with white facial
 feathers.Cockatiels are friendly, charming and captivating sweet.

They will greet us with enthusiasm and affection each morning,
Give them plenty of good seed, fruits, vegetables and toys and these delightful
 birds will also provide you with companionship and entertainment throughout the day.
My Birds love attention,are hand tame,talk and love being out of
the cage.

The average lifespan of the cockatiel is 15-20 years
 although diet and exercise can have a huge impact on this.
The oldest recorded cockatiel was 35 years old when it died.
If you are considering a cockatiel as a pet be aware that this will be a long commitment.

The minimum cage size for a cockatiel should be AT LEAST 30"x18"x18" for one bird.
 This will give him plenty of room to stretch his wings and move around.
 Bar spacing should be 1/2" so they can't get their heads between them and end up stuck.
 The perches should be between 1/2" and 1 1/2".
 A bird's feet should not be able to wrap around the perch completely or even nearly so.
Choosing a perch that has a lot of variation in thickness rather than a smooth one is a
 good idea to keep the feet exercised and strong.

A mixed seed cockatiel diet is ok, but I recommend a fortified pellet food
with the daily addition of millet and fresh fruit.
 A pelleted food makes it impossible for your bird to sift through and consume only his
 favorites and thus ensures a balanced diet.
 Clean water should be available at all times.
 It may be wise to train your bird to drink from a bottle instead of a bowl.
This will keep him from soiling it or flinging food in it.

The "Normal Grey" or "Wild-type" cockatiel's plumage is primarily Grey
 with prominent white flashes on the outer edges of each wing.
The face of the male is yellow or white, while the face of the female is primarily Grey
or light Grey, and both genders feature a round orange area on both ear areas, often
referred to as "cheek patches." This orange coloration is generally vibrant in adult males,
 and often quite muted in females.

Danger: Ceiling fans, Other pets, Kitchen areas, toilets, open windows or doors plants etc.
Keep your birds wings clipped to prevent trouble.

Health: The common health problems is mites, and upper respiratory infection.


                       We have Grey, and Lutino at this time
                                          Prices range from $50.00 to $65.00




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